Solution Table for the MF8 Sokoban Competition


Solutions are listed in the order they were submitted. The submitted time is shown in US Central Time.

Click the headers of the table to sort it by #moves or #pushes. Thanks to George for his help making this table sortable.

(For 18th competition)

Order Time ID #Moves #Pushes
1 2010-10-16 03:53:38 liuzr 3226 489
2 2010-10-16 09:15:37 liuzr 2370 455
3 2010-10-16 09:34:01 liuzr 2004 477
4 2010-10-17 12:42:42 liuzr 2364 455
5 2010-10-17 16:48:26 liuzr 1994 475
6 2010-10-18 19:32:05 esseger 1882 477
7 2010-10-18 19:32:47 esseger 2076 451
8 2010-10-18 23:47:11 esseger 2123 449
9 2010-10-20 05:00:46 XiBeiTianLang 2218 447
10 2010-10-20 06:19:33 liuzr 2218 447
11 2010-10-20 22:10:18 esseger 2108 447
12 2010-10-21 11:37:14 liuzr 1882 467
13 2010-10-21 21:45:01 esseger 1862 475
14 2010-10-22 06:27:01 liuzr 1880 467
15 2010-10-22 18:18:46 zhxh100308 2086 473
16 2010-10-22 18:45:40 xingfei 3104 523
17 2010-10-23 11:41:39 liuzr 1868 469
18 2010-10-23 12:11:14 liuzr 1824 475
19 2010-10-23 18:35:59 liuzr 2106 447
20 2010-10-29 06:05:43 xingfei 2474 447
21 2010-11-01 16:48:50 zhxh100308 1904 465
22 2010-11-01 16:55:21 zhxh100308 1990 455
23 2010-11-01 18:22:23 esseger 2106 447
24 2010-11-02 12:31:49 esseger 1858 475
25 2010-11-04 09:39:32 脪禄脛驴脕脣脠禄 2327 453
26 2010-11-04 09:41:48 脪禄脛驴脕脣脠禄 1919 475
27 2010-11-04 13:50:36 zhxh100308 2000 453
28 2010-11-04 15:20:35 zhenying 2182 447
29 2010-11-04 15:21:22 zhenying 1818 473

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